Thursday, July 30, 2009

Meeting Julia

The night before last I was invited to the screening of "Julie and Julia" by a friend at New York Magazine and I relived the time I spent in Paris. The movie is a hoot - especially Meryl Streep - for any foodie.
The character of Julie really brought out the importance that Julia Child has played in the life of any person involved in food. When I was writing my book and our recipes were not quite right, her book was the source of the solutions.
When I returned from Paris in 2000, my co-author and I had the idea of doing a television show following the theme of our book.... travelling through Paris on our bicylces, visiting markets and then going to beautiful homes to cook! We went to see Geoffrey Drummond, the director who has been involved in Julia's tv fame since the beginning and, unfortunately because Julia was having her renaissance, he did not have time to consider our project and we left it.
Anyhow, I started following Julia again and when she came to do a signing for her new book, I ran to Barnes and Noble and brought her a copy of our book as a gift. Meeting her was knee-wobbling - she was so very gracious.
All of these memories came back the other night! Viva Julia!

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